Step 1 Get into regular reading and adding to your domain knowledge on daily basis. Add one new skill a year/up-skill by doing a formal well-researched course. I also recommend you to make a strong beginning to pick up, at least one more interest area, beyond the confines of your domain that excites you the most, and start digging in. A large number of people have often excelled in the area of their deep passion. Doesn’t this excite you?
Step 2 Add newness in your course, preferably every year, making it increasingly relevant to the jobs of the future. You can only do this if you had up-skilled yourself. Create powerful teaching content for your course and for the National MOOCS. It is one of the easiest ways to jettison yourself to an exclusive league of faculty.
Step 3 Learn to develop content in LMS with modern tools/software, adding animation, simulation, gaming, 3-D, visuals, Augmented realty etc., making delivery far more effective. If you’re planning to build a new skill, see if one of these, excites you.
Step 4 Set a target to write at least two to three research papers a year in journals indexed in SCOPUS/Web of Science. Write a book/chapters in a book. It is fine to be a co-author in few publications.
Step 5 Do PhD if not done as yet. If PhD, may go for a reputed International post- PhD fellowship, only if it fits into your long-term goal.
Step 6 Raise potential to be a member of IQAC, Research Committee or BOS/AC/Incubator/Centre of Excellence.
Step 7. Lead a Chapter of a Professional Society of your discipline with a wide sphere of participation in activities and projects, involving faculty and students. Make it a part of your profile.
Step 8 Rise up to be awarded a State/National level recognition/award for the teaching, Innovation, Research or Social extension.
Step 9 Deliver Tedx talks, be a keynote at least in National level forums, present papers in truly National/International conferences, be on the panel of govt body/other eminent universities’s bodies, a sought after consultant to industry and a Tv panelist. Be a part of faculty exchange with IOE and/or top 500 International institutes.
Step 10 Attain minimum h-index of 35 in the first 10 years of service, at least one funded research project and at least one patent.
Success is not a random roll of dice. You have to work for it
– Prof JR Sharma