1. Read every metric/question carefully and underline the keywords. Use keywords, preferably in the sub-headings as also in the body of the write-up to write a focused response. It is critical to ensure that all aspects/dimensions of a question are fully answered.
2. NOT to write a response in the ‘Present tense’, as if you are explaining a process/practice as it ought to be; instead, write how you have already implemented it in your institute, and state precisely, what benefits were accrued, citing evidence.
3. Write only compellingly relevant, meaningful and honest answers which you should be able to demonstrate on ground to the visiting Peer team.
4. Use simple English, free from any grammatical mistakes, giving suitable headings and sub-headings and explain your answer with utmost clarity.
5. Your response of a metric, be it 500 words or as laid down in the metric, must not fall short of the desired length. It may vary by 15 to 20 words here and there, but perhaps not further less. It would otherwise indicate to the reader that you didn’t have much to say.
6. Invariably, every response is bound to have supporting document/s to convince the Peer team that you indeed have had the desired process/practice implemented on ground. Hence, upload on the portal at least one example of a relevant document under ‘additional information’ or provide a link of the specific webpage of institute’s website linking the document.
7. Never waste time in Introduction, Preface or Foreword. Come to the crux. End powerfully with a well-worded impact statement.
8. Get content of all metrics edited by a good copywriter or any faculty/Consultant who is endowed with superior content-writing ability. IQAC should deliberate on each qualitative metric and see whether all aspects of the given metric, stood well-answered in the write-up.
9. Be specific, not generic in expression. Numbers and Names do certainly help in looking a statement convincing and genuine. Do try and avoid lengthy tables and graphs in a limited word space. Yes,by all means, do have these features inserted in Annexure attached, as part of an ‘Additional information’.
10. Never allow copying from any online source and/or other institute’s SSR. IQAC must put plagiarism check in place. Plagiarism holds a strong possibility to push institute into a solid trouble.
-Prof JR Sharma