UGC is going all guns blazing in issuing new initiatives. In less than a year, it has announced a dozen of reforms. Every reform entails certain preparations by the HEIs, and some are time-taking. There are a few which are simple, inescapable and ‘must do’ For example, it is critical to implement ABC so that students are able to deposit credits, and use them in multiple learning and job opportunities springing up from time to time. Curriculum and Credit framework, multidisciplinary programs/courses, 4-year UG Hon’s/Research, 2 simultaneous degrees, accelerated UG degree and unshackling UG and PG admissions from the age-old fixed disciplines as pre-condition for admission, are some of the most meaningful initiatives launched by the UGC. States and HEIs which are dragging their feet in implementing reforms for whatever reason are doing a big disservice to the students’ community.
Let’s see, how to go about immersing remarks in the academic system of your HEI :
1. At the first place, if a reform is in public domain for seeking views from the stakeholders, do deliberate the same in your IQAC and offer views. It is your best chance to effect changes and add value to an impending regulation.
2. Once a regulation is issued and takes effect, let this be deliberated by an appropriate committee. Dir IQAC, Registrar and Dean Academics are the key officers connected with the NEP implementation. In this respect, their functions are somewhat overlapping. It is for the Head of an institution to decide who shall head the NEP implementation process. But all 3 above said officers must put their heads together, and joined by a couple of ‘think-tanks’ (external plus internal) to arrive at the operative aspects. The said core committee of a HEI should meet as many times as necessary, hold deliberations and put up a written brief to the Vice Chancellor with definite recommendations.
3. Academic Council should then study the recommendations and arrive at their own recommendations for the BOM and GB to deliberate issues and endorse their decision.
4. Once approved, follow it up with a policy on implementation and upload it on the website.
5. Notify and disseminate to all concerned, including publishing in the institutes relevant publications.
Concluding, it is important that students must be kept informed on all developments related to academic reforms, and their feedback obtained.
By Prof JR Sharma. The views expressed are personal