1. Multi-disciplinary HEIs by 2040 in the category of ‘Research Intensive ’, ‘Teaching Intensive’ universities and ‘Autonomous Degree Granting multi-disciplinary Colleges’ above 30O0 students. Affiliated colleges will phase out by 2035 if unable to become autonomous by scoring a set benchmarked accreditation grade. One multi-disciplinary HEIs in/nearby every district by 2030.
2. Graded autonomy for self academic and admin governance, enhanced funding and freedom to open campuses outside the country; linked to Accreditation. NAAC gets shot in the arm.
3. GER to rise from 26.3% to 50% by 2035 driven by ODL programs, liberal art education, more institutes and consolidation and expansion. * NAAC Grade to determine permission to run ODLs*.
4. Flexibility to offer Masters program; 2 years after UG of 3 years, 1 year after UG of 4 years or 5-year Integrated Masters. M Phil discontinued.
5. Merit-based peer reviewed research funding.
6. 4.3% to 6% of GDP allocation for education in conjunction with the support by States.
7. Multiple exit program for students, diploma after 1 year, Advance diploma after 2 years, UG degree 3/4 years and 4-year with Research. Academic Bank of Credits will determine students choice for multi-learning options and transfer of credits.
8. Apply for PhD after Masters Degree or 4-year with research degree. Impetus to more PhDs.
9. Vocational skill courses and Teachers B Ed 4-year program shall also be run by HEIs. All TEIs to be multi-disciplinary by 2030 and offer 4 yr B Ed.
10. Except for Medical and Law, the remaining programs come under one single overreaching umbrella body, called, HERC (based on transparency, public disclosure and technology) having four subordinate bodies namely, (a) NHERC-A single Regulator including teachers education taking over functions of UGC, AICTE, NCTE etc (b) GEC-To form HE qualification and standard setting framework, including PSSBs into it (c) HEGC-Funding and financing of HEIs (d) NAC-Accreditations
AICTE, ICAR etc. will become professional standards setting bodies (PSSBs).
11. 100 top universities of the world to be facilitated to open their HEIs. Big opportunities for students and faculty
12. NRF to promote strong research culture.
13. Miscellaneous:-Promotes multilingualism in HE, access and financial support to marginalised section of society, curbing profiteering, enforcing voluntary disclosures.
A policy with a paradigm shift in education. The success depends on how the reforms would be approached and implemented
-Prof JR Sharma. Disclaimer: The above are my personal views and interpretations drawn from the NEP document.