Accreditation Edge


We are aware that institutes need research, require more citations and high h-index for credibility and also for the specific purpose of performing at the top in NAAC and NIRF and as much, you too aspire to build your own research credentials in a big way. To your complete ease, we put forward, how these objectives can be ethically met:

One way is to write a very high worth research publication or accomplish a research project and lie down lazy like a python, often done by most of our faculty. The other powerful way is to rise and announce to the world to take a look at the superior research work. In the first case, a good work might simply get buried in the inner pages of millions of journals, much the same way as some of the top talent in India never ever meets a public eye.

Simply put, you must promote your superior quality research papers. It is essential and surely ethical, if at all, you have a slightest of a doubt. Let me try and put across some of the practices adopted by the leading researches across Nations:

1. Increase the impact of research manuscript. Let it be strong n’ persuasive. Well, if it delivers on social impact, simply great !
2. Publish it in a peer reviewed journal of a high impact to receive increased citations.
3. A powerful ‘title’, an ‘abstract’ as also ‘body’ with headings with an eye on the chosen ‘keywords’ for creating ‘backlinks’ for the subsequent digital promotion.
4. Publish manuscript later, in an open repository for a wide reading. A good publisher will suggest this.
5. Describe evolution of your research paper and the resulting impact.
6. A well-written review with liberal citations of research leaders (as part of a strategy) are bound to lead to reverse citations from the same leaders.
7. Use National and International conferences, forums to present your papers and explain why your research matters.
8. Develop ability by measure, and seize opportunity to be a keynote speaker or be a part of panel discussion in conferences. It lends itself in spreading a word on your research credentials.
9. Promote your major research work, much the same way as you often witness the launch of a book.
10. Create a website of your complete research work and promote it digitally. In the same way, your institute may have a website or a page promoting superior research work and research papers. I personally know research-based PR companies who boast of promoting research papers of IITs and IIMs and claim huge success in enhancing citations. One such Company is based out of Bangalore.
11. Create a meaningful profile of your own and that of your institute on the Wikipedia. It is hugely empowering.
12. Make YouTube videos, issue Press Release on a number of online PR sites, create a FB Page of the research Lab and engage faculty in discussions, Tweet and leverage LinkedIn network extensively.
13. Build/join, a strong net-work in various academic and research groups and communities, nationally and internationally.
14. Cite researchers who enjoy high research credentials, and don’t leave just at that. Interact with them in parallel on WhatsApp and various enabling social media platforms. Go a step further and cite even the work of other people which is contrary to your theory or the work. Don’t forget to cite 20% of your earlier research papers. It would enhance h-index when your other papers get cited.
15. Remember, more papers you write, the higher would be a possibility of spiking up your h-index.

I urge you to first produce a great work, and only then go all out to promote it

-You would be welcome to walk the talk with us in implementing each of the above.

-Prof JR Sharma, an internally renowned mentor to the institutes of higher education.