Accreditation Edge

Mock Inspection

It leads to due diligence and covers all touch points. It builds confidence in the key personnel expected to lead the visiting inspection team and provides them with a much needed feedback on major weaknesses/ areas of improvement needed quickly.

The team AccreditationEdge undertakes mock inspection with absolute professionalism and expects institutes to treat the inspect with equal seriousness, as if it would be a real inspection by the Accrediting team. If you have applied for your accreditation and have received a date/expected to receive a date shortly, we strongly recommend you that you should use the competence of AccreditationEdge and get your institute mock-inspected..

It is a process done over 3 days. Institute gets ready with all its documents, presentations, briefings and facilities to the visiting mock-inspecting team. Key staff responsible for briefing the inspection team are positioned at their designated places. Mock team goes for inspection as per the program and timings much in the similar way, as expected from the peer team.

A report is made and submitted to the authorities.