I love my IQAC team. It is not just on paper; it is firmly vibrant on ground. It doesn’t appear and disappear; it is there all the time in the garden of quality, seeding and nurturing saplings. Some of these have now grown into trees, bearing fruits and flowers. Let me share with you what my team comprises, and delivers at the top of its potential.
1. It is led by our Hon’ble VC and has a top multi-talented committed faculty and staff, most of whom are distinguished intellectuals, ‘karam-yogi’ and some leading external experts. A top talent is critical to my team
2. It represents key resource persons from all key areas.
3. I’m a Co-ordinator. I can easily call myself as Director IQAC but I don’t. It makes the team feel far more comfortable to see me in the role of an enabler-coordinator, and myself, a less authoritative and humble. It helps 🙂
4. I believe in leading by example and won’t hesitate to reach out to every member of the team to assist in his/her designated task. My accessibility does matter!
5. Prior to assigning any work, it is my prime duty to first provide a total clarity on what to do,remove doubts and encourage innovative input of the assignee member. I believe-the best idea must win
6. I don’t leave any assignment open-ended. It has definite timelines for competition. It helps me close the loop. I document MoM in an innovative format that helps me keep a check on the progress of every actionable point. I issue a detailed Agenda before every meeting so that my team comes fully prepared to the meeting, and contributes. I won’t let fresh proceedings start before taking stock of progress made on the points of previous meetings. It is extremely critical to my effective performance.
7. In an innovative move-my own product, I have divided IQAC into sub-teams ;
* Executive Committee for Policies, processes, including OBE implementation, Content-creation and publication.
* Executive Committee for Accreditation and Ranking, Central Data Centre to include data collection, compilation and uploading. Preparing and submission of AQAR, AISHE, SSR/SAR and data for national / international Ranking.
* Executive Committee for Perspective Planning, Academic and Research Initiatives and monitoring of implementation, Curriculum inputs and Standards setting.
* Executive Committee for various audits and Stakeholders feedback collection and action-taken.
* Executive Committee to manage faculty and students professional development affairs.
I love my job. I know, it is making huge difference to the quality development, progress and brand-building of my instiute. Imagine, what could be otherwise more satisfying for me as a professional ? I’m so happy, I enjoy the trust of my VC 🙏
By-Prof JR Sharma – to be continued with a view to empower our IQACs in HEIs.