Accreditation Edge

What New Education Policy has in the offing for you as Faculty?

I see the following refreshing change in the faculty professional lives πŸ™‚

a) a definitely more competitive environment due to 100 top foreign institutes moving in. It would afford opportunities to the bright faculty to switch to the much greener pastures πŸ™‚

b) self-skilling and up-skilling would be essential to teach vocational courses, hereinafter essential in every HE. You will gain new skills and have more opportunities πŸ™‚

c) added opportunities for multi-disciplinary teaching, a subject of your passion since every institute would eventually turn multi-disciplinary πŸ™‚

d) freedom to fix fee with justification, will give a bandwidth to institutes to charge added fee, which in turn would hopefully result in a hike in the faculty salary, if the same is passed on to faculty πŸ™‚

(e) GER 50% perspective target would create more opportunities for the ODL programs, hence more teaching options. A quality public institute per district and a much larger annual budget outlay will need more experienced teachers like you for the upcoming institutes πŸ™‚

(f) increased benefit of faculty exchange and collaborative research with 100 foreign institutes and their labs πŸ™‚

-Prof JR Sharma is an internationally renowned Mentor to institutes of higher education.