Accreditation Edge


Covid-19 seems to be not just going away, so soon. A second wave is reportedly hitting Europe. So, what is that, we as faculty can best do? Here are some ideas for the viability and sustainability of our profession and our living :

1. Stay upbeat We are basically in 2 types of institutes. Some of us are in top institutes where admissions are unaffected. Governing body has no issue in maintaining status quo in salaries. But there are many, where admissions have either dropped a bit or dropped horribly low. Founders are smart; they would always be. They would rarely part with their earlier years earnings, and would thus pay as much as they earn from the fee. Hence, reduction of salary, long non-salary sabbaticals or even exits. So, where does the innocent faculty go? I recommend, you please remain upbeat. Don’t get depressed. You are still a very good high-worth person. You can be very productive. Rejig your skill and ability tools, sharpen them; use them 🙂

2. Online bonanza is all open. If you are by nature a less learner, don’t want to add a new skill, but a good manager, not to worry. Open a venture. Think of an online school’ leveraging superior quality non synchronous LMS as well as high quality synchronous teaching-learning. Hello ! no place for ordinary stuff !! It is becoming very competitive ! You can make a humble start, and build your brand, measure by measure. You never know, it could well turn out to be a better sustainable model than you perhaps ever thought. You may take even standalone online specific classes needed by some selected families, should you think opening an online school would be your next logical step. If you succeed, then give your dreams a visionary flight to open an online university. Think big; a real Big ! Who is stopping you ?

3. *Refresh old skills and build new skills Whether your institute is happy to retain you or looking to exit you or you have exited, there is supposedly nothing safer and more empowering than building, a new skill in these hard times. Become indispensable to your institute. Earn your place amongst the top faculty and staff. If not this, other institute will take you on board.

4. Be ready to take a salary hit Don’t leave in a jiffy, if you have faced a salary cut or some other financial trick played on you by the Management. Stick on, if you haven’t thought of any solid alternative option. Select your timings. Cross the bridge when it is ought to be done. The other side looks greener, though. But you must be prepared and determined to face the challenging environment of the other side. If you dare to do, by all means, cross the bridge with steely determination.

5. A possible emerging scenario NEP 2020 has a promising direction and roadmap. If Covid weakens or vaccines gets a success and made available in adequate number, and economy surges strongly, there would be an acute shortage of qualified and skilled faculty. It is a great profession to embrace and cling on. The only single solution to stay strong is to * become super skilled*

My best wishes to all!

Prof-JR Sharma

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