If in governance of an institute you are boasting about serving neighbourhood community, boast not. Just do your “Karma”. But do you know what karma you should do ? Check if your list is more empowering and relevant than the following:-
1. Introducing 2-credit courses in curriculum on the related subjects like saving environment and natural resources, waste management, sustainability, public service etc.
2. Undertaking need for research in local community development issues by faculty n’ students and involving the local community focussed groups in field research.
3. Field-based projects/activities, such as ; developing self-help groups, Swachh Bharat Abhyaan, Meeting Panchayat Sarpanches, discussing critical problems and finding resolutions, harnessing local natural resources to the community advantage, visit by institute management n’ faculty to assist rural schools with academic infra, assessing and help-improve quality of mid-deal meals, attending gram Sabha meetings, visit to Nagarpalika office to review village schemes, visit aanganawadi centre, local NGO visit, initiatives to support self-sustainable rural employment, skilling drop-outs, organise awareness programs of various govt. schemes, joining govt. initiatives in clean energy, organising health camps, assisting in conducting potable water lab tests and supporting differently-able in availing government-led schemes for them, are some of the few possible areas of “Karma”. Unfortunately, karma needs documentation to make regulatory and accreditation bodies believe. So, document it by geo-tagged photos and social media posts 🙏
-Prof JRS