Accreditation Edge

Documents Critical For HEIs credibility, perception and smooth governance

When it comes to developing documents or policies, everyone starts looking towards the IQAC. Well, that’s not fair. It is not even its key designated function as provided for by the NAAC. There are various functional Heads of the university like Registrar, COE, Dean (A) etc. who have duties towards their respective functions and must write policies and processes. Yes, IQAC should add quality value to all of these. It is a 3rd EYE. Well, where a policy or process is part of IQAC function, it must write its own document. For example it must write policy on faculty development, feedback, AAA audit, and develop Quality Management Manual etc.

Here are a few documents which are critical to smooth functioning of all HEIs. IQAC should assign responsibilities and value-add quality during their finalisation.

1. OBE Manual. An approx 150 page document with approx 7 Chapters and 7 Annexures. It should also clearly lay down the process, PEOs, POs, PSOs and COs of various programs, mapping (including BT) direct and indirect assessment, examples of question papers and assessments duly aligned with COs and Performance Indicators, surveys, feedback and impact analysis. It should also state how the OBE processes shall be implemented and sustained.
2. ⁠IDP: An approx 100 pages comprehensive document having a plan and detailed instructions on how to operationalise the same.
It should be divided into 6 to 7 Chapters, one each for selected criterion as stated in the UGC IDP guidelines.
3. NEP 2020 implementation document
An approximately 150 to 300 pages document depending on the number of Schools and Departments, a university is constituted of. Majorly, there are 4 to 5 major NEP 2020 related initiatives outlined by the UGC. Each one requires ample clarity particularly, curriculum and credit framework. As you know, one-fit-all doesn’t work across programs.
4.Students’ Brochure A 150 to 200 pages brochure/diary depending on the size of university. It should have A to Z information on students support systems and curriculum, syllabus and course schemes, exit options etc. Sri Ramakrishna Medical university and BITS Pilani have over 200 pages brochure and are good for the short purpose of reference.
5. Quality Manual A 250 to 300 pages document, outlining quality policy, objectives, processes, audits, mechanisms, work instructions, formats, quality standards, non-performances, regulatory compliances, and more. Delhi Technical University QMS is a fair effort and can be referred.
6. ⁠Policies, Protocols and Operating Procedures Manual At least, 20 to 25 academic and as many numbers admin policies. Try to develop these on a standard outline format. I have circulated such formats to you all a few times.
7. ⁠HR Manual A 200 to 300 page document describing designations, their job descriptions, duties responsibilities, recruitment n’ selection, pay perks, terms of service, hours of mandatory work, academic integrity, protocols, discipline, leave, welfare etc.
8. ⁠Central Data Management website, PR, and social media guidelines.

The above are some of the most compelling needs and would require a team effort to develop the same. There are however no less other important documents which are required to be written periodically, like Annual Report, Annual Examination Report, Annual Research Report, Newsletter, Feedback & Action-taken Report, Annual Admission Brochure, Annual Stock-taking Board proceedings, Financial Budget document, Purging of document Board, AAA document with ATR. Green Practices Audit document with ATR, a document of various career schemes booklet for students Alternative Career, a brochure on Research facilities and Eco-system to attract PhD admissions.

Stressed up reading ? Do construct a mechanism within your university to undertake each of it, should you wish to be perceived a good university with well-defined quality practices. These would help HEIs in developing one Central Data for the Nation.

By-Prof JR Sharma

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