Accreditation Edge

Let’s decipher which NAAC version is more appropriate for our respective institutes

With the issuance of NAAC Circular of June 2024 giving a brief supplement on the NAAC accreditation, there would be some questions agitating in your minds. Let me create some possible questions from out of the Circular and make an attempt to interpret for you. Please correct me where you think you differ or privy to more credible information.

Q.1 We are a first-time NAAC aspirant institute. What does this NAAC Circular mean to us?
Ans. Apply for Binary in Jul 24 or whenever ready. Start preparing now on the proposed SSR put up in the public domain and subsequently align to the final version. Given the NEP 2020 spirit, your institute will not be able to escape from the Binary accreditation. It would also give your institute a noteworthy credibility and public perception. Give yourself at least 6 months to 1 year to build capacity and prepare.

Q.2 We are an already NAAC accredited institute and due to apply for the subsequent cycle/s. We are almost ready with our IIQA and SSR. Should we apply before 30 June 24 or wait for Binary in July ? What would be a better option?
Ans: If A+ or A++ hopeful and want to keep drumming up A++ or Category-1, till it lasts, go ahead before 30th June 24. In the interim before you go for Maturity Based Graded Levels (MBGL) it can serve you well. However, according to my views, your institute will have to go through the Agni-Pariksha of Maturity Levels beginning from Jan 25 to lay claim on definite benefits attached to the respective levels even if an already a top grade institute. But I urge, don’t rush into MBGL but prepare methodically and fully before you apply for it because data will become sacrosanct.

Q.3 Does it benefit to withdraw at this stage if already IIQA submitted or SSR in process and apply for Binary, an option outlined in the said circular ?
Ans The circular is a bit ambiguous on this . As I interpret, an option to withdraw from the current process doesn’t help, particularly when an institute is hopeful of A+ or A++ . Why would any institute settle down for Binary- a basic NAAC status. Better to go ahead and get a better grade. A better NAAC grade would hopefully improve perception for an attainment of a higher MBGL.

Q.4 If we are pitching for A+/A++ grade and ready, is it fine to go for IIQA before 30th June?
Ans: Yes. Why lose a tag to category 1 or category 2 institute, if likely to score? Some States require a specific NAAC grade as a pre-condition to fund an institute. In that case, an early accreditation becomes a must do. Keep that in mind. States have yet to modify their rules to accommodate Binary.

Q5 Am I correct in saying that Institutes whose NAAC is lasting beyond 30 June should only prepare for MBGL and not for Binary ?
Ans Yes

Q.6. Does any HEI accredited with expiry date of NAAC after 30 June have perforce to go through Binary? Or it should go directly for the MBGL?
Ans Directly for the MBGL

Q.7 Can accredited HEIs now start preparing for MBGL?
Ans If you are still thinking for the SSR to get published in Jan 2025, you are in fact already late. Quite a lot is already with you as stated in Dr Radhakrishnan Report. You are also aware that in NAAC the metrics require institute data and documents of the previous years. So start now. Yes, IQAC team should know what to do on priority and how.

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