Accreditation Edge

New changes in the NAAC Accreditation Manual needs an urgent thinking by the HEIs

The latest Dec 22 changes, will impact HEIs greatly. The research has taken a centre stage. Some not so relevant and easy scoring metrics have been removed. Some metrics weightage has been enhanced. The benchmarks in the public domain are also steep and hard to get. The ultimate cake-pudding on the New Year for the HEIs is rather bitter 🙂 If you are on the verge of applying for the NAAC, and your research is not great, the top NAAC Accreditation Consultants Accreditation Edge in India are of the opinion that you should apply for the NAAC now in Jan 23 on the old SSR format or else get set for the harder challenge of capacity-building. Here is just a very brief analysis:-

Middle and low quality HEIs are bound to struggle in the following metrics of the amended version (it doesn’t cover all changes but only those which pose hard challenges to the HEIs)

2.4.2: faculty PhD : Weightage raised from 15 to 40 marks
3.1.4: JRFs/SRFs: Raised from 4 to 10 marks
3.2.1: Research funding (both govt/non): Raised from 15 to 25 marks
3.2.2: Research projects per teacher: Raised from 5 to 15 marks
3.4.2: Patents award : Raised from 10 to 15 marks (patents only published omitted)
3.4.3: PHDs awarded per guide: Raised from 10 to 15 marks
3.4.4: Research papers published per teacher: Raised from 15 to 20 marks
3.4.7: Citations Index: Raised from 15 to 20 marks
3.4.8: h-index: Raised from 15 to 20 marks
3.5.1: Consultancy and Corporate training revenue: Raised from 15 to 20 marks
5.2.3. Students qualifying in competitive exam: Raised from 10 to 15 marks
Miscellaneous Points
1. An easy scoring VAC weightage raised from 10 to 30. It is a relief to HEIs.
2. Faculty authenticity validity norms not yet formed by NAAC. % contract faculty not stated in the SSR.
3. A good development of a tough metric for private HEIs of “% departments recognised by National/international agencies” stands removed.
4. Awards by govt. bodies weightage reduced on award related metrics.
5. Easy scoring Extension activities marks slashed.

In the considered view of the best NAAC Agency-Accreditation Edge, all HEIs will have no option but to divert their focus to Research & Consultancy to get to NAAC ‘A’ series grades.

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