Accreditation Edge

Clarity on how to serve neighbourhood community

If in governance of an institute you are boasting about serving neighbourhood community, boast not. Just do your “Karma”. But do you know what karma you should do ? Check if your list is more empowering and relevant than the following:- 1. Introducing 2-credit courses in curriculum on the related subjects like saving environment and […]

NEP 2020 implementation: FAQs

Q.1 We lack clarity. Can we delay implementation of NEP 2020 by one more academic year ? Ans : If yours is not a NEP compliant institute so far, this inaction is potentially damaging and risking students’ career. The affected students won’t be able to (a) avail flexibility in ‘entry and exit’ options at Certificate, […]

Are you NEP 2020 Compliant HEI ?

In any accreditation or 12 (b) visit, it is almost given that a visiting team would require you to demonstrate implementation of NEP 2020. Leave alone a visit or a perceived fear of facing it on this count, it is an inescapable for any higher education institute to go along the grain or else, it […]