Accreditation Edge

NEP 2020 implementation: FAQs

Q.1 We lack clarity. Can we delay implementation of NEP 2020 by one more academic year ?
Ans : If yours is not a NEP compliant institute so far, this inaction is potentially damaging and risking students’ career. The affected students won’t be able to (a) avail flexibility in ‘entry and exit’ options at Certificate, Diploma and Degree levels (b) exercise choice to pursue two degrees at one time (c) pursue 4-year degree Hon’s or 4-year degree with research (d) pursue PhD after 4-year degree with research, and more. So, why should any institute wait and adversely cause to impact students prospects unnecessarily ?

Q.2 : Amongst a host of NEP reforms what are the 8 most critical ones, my institute should implement without any delay ? Does NAAC peer team assess NEP implementation ?
Ans : NAAC or no NAAC your university/college without a delay should implement :-
👉🏿 ‘Curriculum and Credit framework’ down to Departments. It would require designing a curriculum structure, developing new courses sem-wise amongst options explicitly provided for in the said framework.
👉🏿4-year degree with Hon’s and Research Development of curriculum structure and courses syllabus. Institute must lay down detailed curriculum and course instructions in ‘Students Diary/brochure’.
👉🏿Laying down detailed instructions to pursue two degrees at the same time.
👉🏿 Academic Bank of Credit and Digi-locker for 100% students.
👉🏿 OBE assessment and evaluation
👉🏿 SWAYAM courses significant participation by students year on year. At least 10% faculty to develop a MOOC course in every academic year.
👉🏿 Launching new courses in the areas of disruptive technology such as AI, Data etc. and to create enabling infra and take on-board some industry experts/professors of practice
👉🏿 Vocational courses. These could start with only a few with certificate, dip or B Voc.

Q.3 If we don’t wish to be perceived as a laid-back lackadaisical institute running away from a timely implementation of NEP, can we still start our courses in 2023-24 ? What advance preparations are needed?
Ans Steps :-
👉🏿 Hold BOS, immediately.
👉🏿 Arrive at the curriculum with sem-wise courses codes and credits of each department. Develop courses, strictly as per the options provided in the framework for interdisciplinary, AE, SE, and VA courses. To save time begin with First Semester only so that you can implement NEP from this AY. If importing a course from some MOOC or an eminent institute, be sure of syllabus quality and course-outcomes. It is undoubtedly a best option to require your respective domain faculty to develop these courses on the 4-quadrant model, beginning with the courses of the first semester.
👉🏿 Get these quickly approved by a special meeting of AC.
👉🏿 Develop students’ diary/brochure and lay down detailed instructions and disseminate. Brief students.
👉🏿 Develop a few vocational courses with industry/ITI/Skill Centres. Here you could possibly start these after due tie-up with industry later in the year.
👉🏿 Re-align ERP, Examination software. and develop LMS to adopt new changes.
👉🏿 Side by side continue compliances to the guidelines of ABC and Digi-locker.

Best wishes !

-By Prof JR Sharma

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