How higher education institutes should best operationalize Institute Development Plan (IDP) issued by the UGC Q&A

Q. What was the need for IDP ? Ans. To provide a broad framework for the HEIs to develop their own IDP with an aim to develop institute excellence in every sphere of its progress, and further the objectives set out by the NEP 2020. Q. What does it comprise of ? Ans. It is […]
Do you consider teaching as a noble profession?

“*I know how to become a competent faculty and a successful person but somehow, I can’t put shoulders to the wheel and pull enough. I’m so much into too many things. Please show me the way”, says a faculty. * First ask yourself, “do I consider teaching as a noble profession? Am I a bit” […]
As a Professor, do you get a kick?

If you think, as teacher you don’t get enough kick out of your teaching profession, think again. The kick might be instant when a student runs to you to touch your feet or stands before you with a medal around her/his neck or is face-glowing jubilant on the offer of a top job. You would […]
Can big Industrialists-owned universities measure up in excellence to Harvard, MIT, Stanford and the like?

Ask a professor what is one thing which is most important of all for a university, his/her reply would be either ‘faculty’ or ‘Infra’. I say, it should be ‘funds’. Funds are extremely critical like a bloodstream to Higher education institute (HEI). With a vision in place, and men n’ women committed to excel, ‘funds’ […]
Decoding Annexure 1 of Dr Radhakrishnan’s NAAC Report to know what to prepare for ?

A deep study of Annexure-1 reveals that approximately 90% metrics of the NAAC in its new Avtar would be same or similar as in its current form. Nearly every metric would be suitably articulated to draw focus to outcomes and impact. Approx 10% would be somewhat fresh. It won’t be fair to blame anyone that […]
Golden Rules of Mentoring HEIs on NAAC and NBA Accreditations

Here is a digest : 1. Never put IQAC team, Criteria Heads and Single Points of Contacts on the fragile crutches. Instead, empower them by mentoring meaningfully by richly evolved mentoring notes and then walk the talk. Be a close walking companion in their journey rather than one standing on a high pedestal, ‘sermonising’ 🙂 […]
Life after NAAC

* A week ago, it was NAAC NAAC, everywhere in the campus. The people have since gone back to their routine and settled into their original real groove, much as soldiers after fighting a war go back to their barracks to rest and recuperate 🙂 Nothing significantly got changed in the institute. The euphoria to […]