Accreditation Edge

Students Satisfaction Survey” when ignored can pull the institute down like a ripe coconut by a hook, in NAAC grade

It is hard to root in a perception of “positivity” in students for their “Alma Mater” at not so great a time when SSR is getting uploaded on the NAAC portal. The best is to genuinely create a highly impactful support system of skilling and new learning opportunities for students over a sustained period and give them a supporting infra to meet their professional and personal aspirations. In such an empowered setting, you might simply brief students about NAAC and the survey conducted by NAAC, but dissuade yourself from rubbing the importance of their survey response any harder on students for scoring a top NAAC grade. Let them use their free choice to respond while answering the NAAC survey mailed to them by the NAAC. It is an all-around happy situation, but best enjoyed only by the truly eminent institutes.

A very large number of higher education institutes, unfortunately, are struggling with mediocrity. After the SSR is uploaded with the student’s data and institute-enabled email I’d, it often becomes inevitable for these institutes to go to students. So, let’s see, who is the right person to go to and what to say?

There would always be some teacher/s who receive more love and regard from students, be out of professional competency or because a teacher inspires them and helps them, but surely not because a teacher is simply so beautiful or a handsome-looking dude. Sometimes, even a graceful teacher could be inspiring too. For example, we had a very beautiful law teacher in LLM while I was a student under the Director of a Law School, Prof Shantha Kumar, now honorable VC, and in this Group. She was so inspiring, a fair assessor, and helpful in sharing her class notes. I would listen and obey to her, any day. In some cases, an external NAAC expert from the top NAAC consultancy in India could be an ideal choice to articulate the importance of the NAAC survey to students. Don’t send a fool to a class/seminar hall to brief students on the NAAC who might end up royally messing up 🙂 Students would need at least two-time reinforcement as a one-time pep talk perhaps won’t work effectively. Be prepared, a talk whatever worth might not work at all with some students, seething in hurt for some reason, and some hardcore has generally seen more outside of the institute gate than inside classrooms/labs 🙂

Here is what to say. “What is NAAC and how does NAAC A+ would mean to the institute to get research funding, imbibe trust in the industry to set up joint labs in futuristic areas where the jobs would lie, pull more admissions of merited students, and help the institute grow faster and exponentially. Tell them how a top NAAC grade would make a difference in each one of their lives. Since the name of Alma Mater would continue to be tagged to the lives forever, it would sound good if they continue to take pride in its growth and respond fairly to the survey. Be short of unleashing “Emotional Attyachaar” 😃

Tell them, if some don’t get instant benefits being in the final year and about to pass out, their friends, brothers, and sisters studying in other batches as also those potentially joining the institute in the times ahead would reap the same. Further that A+ grade would mean a campus full of students thriving with activities, students actively engaged in skilling and exploring. It would draw top-class companies for hiring. As a leading NAAC consultant in India, it is fair to recommend that students should be left to fairly support and shape up their university to what they would want it to be seen in the time ahead and take pride in the growth of their Alma Mater.

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